Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Birthday Photos

Hanna took some wonderful pictures for my birthday earlier this month. I love them. Here are some of my favorites, including one of her that Seth took. Somehow the photographer gets left out too often. Thanks Hanna. You Rock. Again.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Funny Kids

Cadence and I were exploring online. I am not even sure how we found this, but I thought it was cute and funny. Kids do say the darnedest things.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Girls Vision Boards

Hanna, you are right, I should have posted their vision boards as well. I am not sure that their goals displayed on their vision boards will be as clear to others as they are to the girls. But hey, it was fun and I think they halfway got the idea. Anyhoo, here they are.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Vision Board

A few weeks ago for Family Home Evening each of us made vision boards of our goals and desires for ourselves. I am sure most of you have made them before or things like it, but for me it had been a while. I know what I want in life, but is fun/therapeutic and wise to get those kinds of things down on paper or, in this case, displayed where you will see it often and keep them in the forefront of your mind. I want to display mine here as well to put my wishes and dreams out there even more, so that the universe will send back to me what I am sending out. I know I will be blessed if I do my part and if my desires are in keeping with the Lord's will.