Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Early Christmas Gift

I was able to trade in my dream car turned nightmare lemon this last month. It was sort of my Christmas gift to myself that Hanna helped me wrangle. It got snowy fairly quickly after I got it and I didn't get a picture of it before the snow and road salt had made their mark on it. But the dealer took one and now I have a copy of that picture so I can post it. In the corner you can see a tiny bit of my old yellow VW Beetle. I still love those cars, but this one will be much less of a headache.


Seth Hippen said...

Lookin' good! Big purchases can play on your nerves, so I hope this one is trouble-free for you!

Xena said...

Yep, congrats! It probably kept you safer in all the rain and snow than those bald VW tires. Did you get your "cash back" check yet?

Karalenn Hippen said...

Woohoo! Congrats! Thanks for getting a new car so I wouldn't worry about you all the time with your commute. :)

sunnytosh said...

Wonderful. We get cars so cheap here in Wyoming I forget sometimes how hard it is for other people. I hope it's still running great for you!