Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is Smudge.  He joined our family about 2 weeks ago and he fits in quite well.  I think he might be as quirky as Smokey, my childhood cat and Boo, our cat that died last January.  I think he would also be a pea in the pod with Seth's family cat, Princess Tiger Lilly.  The girls are both in love with him and fill their free time with him lately.

And this is Smudge chasing a mouse....pointer.


Julie said...

cute! I couldn't get the video up though, it keeps asking for my username/pw :) Smudge looks like a fun kitty!

Happilyeverafterx3 said...

I think I have fixed the video.

Karalenn Hippen said...

I think Tigerlily still misses her Fudgy Smudgy Pants.