Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recent Fun Stuff

So for those of you who didn't know me before my braces and for those kind people who have already forgotten how crooked and crowded my teeth are a before and an after shot. And then the slideshow is just some of the random fun we have had recently.


Madsen Family said...

Your teeth look awesome!!! I love the hair. I knew it was cindy lou!

Spring said...

Congrats! Your teeth look fabulous! I remember my teeth feeling really weird when I got mine off. But a GREAT weird feeling!

Scooby and Jon said...

Hoorah for no more braces!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Your teeth look great! It must be sooo nice to have them off. I remember how funny I thought mine looked without braces, after wearing them for years. :) By the way- I love your new blog page. The design is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

you look beautiful hill!

Christy said...

Gorgeous. So worth it, don't you think? I just got my bottom ones off last month. My parents were down for a visit and came to watch my soccer game (women' league) I felt like such a teenager that week. :)